New Lens presents Far From Shore

Sunday, August 14th. 7pm


WUOL Studios

619 S. Fourth Street

Louisville, KY 40202

Louisville’s New Lens series presents Longleash at the WUOL Performance Studios with music by James Diaz, Linda Catlin Smith, Anthony Vine, Anthony Cheung, and Baldwin Giang. This show will explore distance, separation, reunification and transformation as sources of artistic inspiration, solace, and unexpected beauty.


In James Diaz’s In Her Dream Song the three performers orbit one another, shifting between separation and alignment in kaleidoscopic textures. Linda Catlin Smith’s Far from Shore captures stillness from afar, painting a hazy seascape with spare outlines and gently undulating rhythms. In Anthony Vine’s Trio, the 13th century Montpellier Codex finds itself transformed and reimagined in a contemporary context for violin, cello, and harmonium. Anthony Cheung’s Flyway Detour draws inspiration from the phenomena of avian migration, and finds beauty in drifting from predetermined paths. In Baldwin Giang’s Gaudeamus Award nominated Songs after Sufjan, Giang turns to the songs of singer-songwriter Sufjan Stevens for creative inspiration in the face of loss and isolation.